
Although our world is already an excellent place and has a well-sophisticated ecosystem of its own, it requires our assistance to survive. To safeguard the environment from man-made stuff like polluted air and habitat destruction, over a million individuals will appreciate Earth Day on April 22 under the theme “Invest in Our Planet.” Attempting to make the globe a joyful, healthier place to call home begins with simple actions like picking up litter, planting more trees, and recycling waste.

It’s our turn to invest in our planet which has allowed us to grow, nurture, and become the best of ourselves. So let us not waste this super strong yet sensible source of our lives and let us make it happen!

Recycling Ewaste is the Best Way Around

According to estimates, 57.4 Mt (Million Metric Tonnes) of electronic waste was produced worldwide in 2021. In 2023, there’s expected to be over 347 Mt of unrecycled electronic waste on the planet. The top three countries for generating e-waste are China, the US, and India. Additionally, it is acknowledged that only 17.4% of e-waste is properly collected and recycled.

Do you know? The extremely fast-growing solid waste stream is electronic waste or e-waste. More & more gadgets are being purchased, utilized, and thrown away every year in the 21st century only. Shocking growth trends are being observed in electronic devices. As a consequence, the global disposal of e-waste has also sparked worries.

Ineffective recycling and landfilling techniques don’t really help to solve the issue; alternatively, they make things even worst on a worldwide platform. Incautious disposal has a disastrous impact on biodiversity in developing countries where the problem is most pronounced. This raises the issue of how buyers can contribute to better impact e-waste management. A good starting point is by raising awareness. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that in situations like these, raising awareness of the problem begins at home itself.

So here’s what we can do towards this issue to celebrate Earth Day –

  1. To give environmentally responsible consumers the tools for using their gadgets more effectively and reduce e-waste, some solutions have progressed above and beyond. Such consumers are provided with extra perks to use purchased goods more effectively through applications such as the “Green Deposit” tracker.
  2. Keep in mind: e-waste shouldn’t ever be disposed of in landfills near your houses or neighborhood. As the hazardous and poisonous substances found in e-waste, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical ignite retardants, are incredibly harmful when they solubilize into our bodies of water and soil.
  3. Another best things is to check whether you can sell your old gadgets after doing a little clearance of clutter from them. This can become a way to increase the reusability of electronic items and hence resulting in long term sustenance.
  4. The best solution– Finding an e-waste collection service is the ideal method for disposing of electronic waste. The R2 certification ensures that institutions, organizations, and e-waste disposal providers are properly discarding e-waste and continuing to work to halt the illegal trafficking of e-waste. The easiest and simplest way to recycle your gadgets is to take a gander at the R2 certification.

If they are recycled safely and in a way that does not hurt our Earth, you won’t be concerned about illegal trafficking, social problems, or ecological dangers.

In honor of Earth Day, let us just pledge to safeguard the planet as well as the lovely flowers and greenery that make it our home. It’s a passionate appeal to the movement towards safeguarding the environment for following generations to come. We could indeed change things by planting more trees, eliminating trash, minimizing consumption, recycling e-waste properly, and doing other things to safeguard the environment.

Wrapping Up

First off, there is a huge potential for raising electronics recyclability. Second, we need to settle people’s fears about spinning over e-waste that could have confidential data prior to being able to take advantage of this possibility — and we need to make it easy to do so. Hence, we must start from our home towards building awareness towards safe recycling via  ECS e waste collection service.

ECS Environment Private Limited is a GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board) registered Company with certification of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 45001, R2 certification and we are among the best e-waste recycler in India. Contact us right away for e-waste disposal concerns.

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